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Phrases in Greek

In the street
Excuse me: Signomi
Thank you: Efharisto (in a restaurant or cafe thank you is better: Efharistoomay)
Do you speak... Milatay...?
English: Ag-glika?
German: Yermanika?
French: Gallika?
Spanish: Hispanika?
Japanese: Yaponayzika?
How far is it?: Posso makria eenay?
Excuse me, where is...: Signomi, poo eenay...?

In a restaurant
How much is this?: Posso Kanay Afto?
Do you have a toilet?: Eheeyete Too-aletta?
Can we see a menu?: Boroomay na doomay enna menoo?
Can we pay the bill?: Boroomay na plirosoomay?
Too expensive: Polee akrivo
for me: Ya menna
That's fine: Andaxi
OK: Andaxi
It's good (food, anything): Oraya

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Introducing yourself
Good morning/good day (until about 13:00 or so): Kalimera
Good Afternoon or Good evening: Kalispera
Good night: Kalinihxta
See you/Hello/Hi: Yassas ("Yassoo" is usually used for those you know or people much younger than you)
How are you: Ti-kanis
Well/good: Kala
I do not understand: Den katalave'no
What is your name?: Pos se le'ne?
Nice to meet you: He'ro poli'
How are you?: Ti ka'nete?

How much does this cost?: Po'so ka'ni afto'
What is this?: Ti' i'ne afto'
I'll buy it: Tha to agora'so
I would like to buy: Tha I'thela na agora'so
Do you have: 'Ehete
Do you accept credit cards?: Pe'rnete pistotike's ka'rtes

Travels & directions
Are there any vacancies for tonight?: e'hete e'na doma'tio gia' apo'pse
Where is ...?: pou i'ne
How much is the fare?: Po'so ka'ni to isiti'rio
One ticket to ..., please: E'na isiti'rio gia, parakalo'
Where are you going?: Pou' pa'te
Where do you live?: Pou' me'nis

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